Frequently asked questions about SURE


Click on a question for details

Questions are in color blue

Answers are in color black

The last update of this list was at November 19, 2003




Where can I find the installation instructions?

We installed SURE on a PC but we don’t get a connection with the host

How to uninstall SURE applications from client if need to re-install it?

Is SURE compatible with our MCP release?

We want to upgrade to another MCP release. What is the best procedure?

How can I connect to another host?

Can SURE be used by programmers that work at home?

How must I add a new license key?


Is it wise to load files of multiple application systems in one repository?

Where is a source placed on disk when I do a check-out of that source?

What is a ROLE?



What is a PROJECT?

Is it possible that multiple users log on with the same usercode?

How can I assign a task that will cross more than one system?

Can we set options ’independenttrans’ and ‘reapplycomplete’ for INFDB?

What is the best method to backup database INFDB?

How must I define a ‘historical environment’?

What is the purpose of options ‘Phase 1, 2, 3 development’?

How can I define a separate test environment in SURE?

Why does a baseline task does not overlap with other tasks?

How does a file get an object location, and who can change it?

We get many syntax errors because SURE compiles copylib’s. Why?

Do you have templates or examples of common employee functions?

Sure Batch

How does SURE handle a mass compilation?

Who starts the evening batch? Can I change the executing time?

How do we recompile all programs that use a changed include file?

Our object-names are not of the form OBJECT/<source>. Can we change it?

How does SURE handle binding?

It is possible to compile a dasdl and reorganize a database via SURE?

How can we control that all production objects are deployed by SURE?

The SURE evening batch goes in wait status for a tape OVZDISK, why?

How can we set the priority of the batch-compilations?

Which version of a copy-file is used at compilations in the evening batch?

What is the purpose of COMPILE-STATUS  ABORT-START-JOB?


Is it possible to load files from another usercode into SURE?

How can we copy all files of a system out of SURE to my usercode?

Is it possible to use NX/Edit in ‘local mode’ on the PC?

Where can I find a task after I transferred it?

I transferred a task and now I don’t see it anymore. Where can I find it?

How can I find the programs that use an include file.

I loaded some sources but I don’t see the include files of these sources.

How can I roll back a source to a specific version in SURE?

Which printer backup files appear in folder ‘Printer Output’

What happens with the sources in acceptance when I reactivate the task?

Should we load the develop- or the production-sources in SURE?

Is the action ‘multi-compile’ somewhere logged in SURE?

How can I undo the function ‘make this my current task’?

A compilation started by a developer goes waiting for a copy-file. Why?

My source and object are removed from disk after a transfer. Why?

What is the best way to load a printer-backup file in Word?

How can we keep the compile-listings on disk for later usage?




                        Where can I find the installation instructions?

The following documents are present in the root directory of the CD-ROM:


Document Installation of SURE.doc gives all details about the installation procedure.


Document Configuration of SURE.doc gives a global overview of the main entities in SURE: environments, systems, projects, task-types, tasks, employee-functions, users, file-types and files.


Document Tutorial Configure.doc offers a quick introduction to SURE: When you work trough this tutorial (4-8 hours) you will learn how to define extra environments, systems, task-types, tasks, employee-functions, users, file-types and how to load files. The 'demo and quick-introduction' part will be very helpful for you, especially in combination with the other document Configuration of SURE.doc


Document Tutorial Lifecycle.doc repeats many things from the other two documents. This documents describes a SURE test-environment that was installed on our machine in Holland and which could be accessed via the Internet. We disabled this test-environment for the moment, but this manual still gives valuable information.


Notice also button Read Me on the installation dialogue (when you start the installation). This gives information how the software will be installed (shortcuts, directories, etc).


The CD contains:

-          The SURE software.

-          A SURE manual (acrobat reader format).

-          Various tutorials (word documents).

-          Presentations and examples (PowerPoint).


The SURE manual and software are always installed. We advise you to install the tutorials and presentations too. To do so you must click on components ‘Tutorial’ and ‘Presentation’ on the install dialogue.


The PowerPoint presentations give detailed examples how to work with SURE.



                        We installed SURE on a PC but we don’t get a connection with the host

[A hardcopy with the active mix-entries on the host was attached]


I see that you are doing the installation with port number 999. The problem is that port-numbers lower then 1024 cannot be used anymore since MCP release 47.1.  If you use a port number lower then 1024 then nothing will happen.

So the solution is simple: change the port-number to value greater then 1024.


This has to be done on the mainframe and on the PC.

On the mainframe:

-          Logon to Cande with the usercode where you installed SURE (I presume that usercode is SURE),

-          Disable in Coms the SURE application-program-interface (API).


-          Change the port number on the 17th record from 999 to your-number (please place a @ sign directly after the port number without intermediate spaces.

-          Save the file.

-          Enable on Coms the SURE-API.


On the PC:

-          Close SURE on the PC.

-          Browse to the folder where you installed SURE and open file AW_OBJ.INI

-          Search for 999 and change that to your-number (this has to be done 2 times!).

-          Save AW_OBJ.INI

-          Log on with SURE and now it will work.



                        How to uninstall SURE applications from client if need to re-install it?

Start the install wizard again and you will see the following options:

-          Install new application: Use this function to install SURE for the first time, or to install an extra copy of the SURE application.

-          Update existing application: Use this function to install a new release of SURE. The current settings of the initialization file AW_OBJ.INI will be kept, also the manual modifications in this file.

-          Un-install existing application: All files that were placed on your PC when SURE was installed will be removed. Other files will not be removed, even when they are in the same directory on your PC.

-          Re-install existing application: The SURE application is first un-installed (see above) and then installed again (as was it a new installation). The installation is done with the same parameters (directory, IP-address, etc) as before. The initialization file AW_OBJ.INI will be initialized with the installation parameters. All manual modifications in the AW_OBJ.INI file are gone after the installation.


In this case you have two options:

1.       Function Update, which keeps the current AW_OBJ.INI file intact.

2.       Function Re-install, which refreshes the AW_OBJ.INI file.



                        Is SURE compatible with our MCP release?

We are going to upgrade the MCP level of our mainframe. What problems can we expect?


Release SURE 5.0.1




- MCP 4.6.x

Fully compatible



- MCP 4.7.x

Problems with SYSTEM/BINDER if OBJECT/RIS/API/DRIVER is bound. This problem is only applicable for you if you received the sources of SURE. The problem is solved via a specific patch version of SYSTEM/BINDER (bind problems with global strings).



- MCP 4.8.x

Some SURE sources get suddenly syntax errors when they are compiled with the 4.8.1 DMALGOL compiler. The same sources compiled without errors with the 4.7.1 compiler. This problem is only applicable for you if you received the sources of SURE. Patches are available.



- MCP 4.9.x

The following COMS problem is encounted with this SURE release:

-          Unisys COMS warning 161: Deimplementation Warning for level 1 CDs. PRI number 10269521 These COMS warnings will be replaced by fatal errors with the first release of COMS after May, 2004.

As a result: al SURE-releases older than 5.1.2 can not run with a version of COMS, released after May 2004. A patch is available.



Release SURE 5.0.2




- MCP 4.6.x

Fully compatible



- MCP 4.7.x

Problems with SYSTEM/BINDER if OBJECT/RIS/API/DRIVER is bound. This problem is only applicable for you if you received the sources of SURE. The problem is solved via a specific patch version of SYSTEM/BINDER (bind problems with global strings).



- MCP 4.8.x

Fully compatible



- MCP 4.9.x

The following COMS problem is encounted with this SURE release:

-          Unisys COMS warning 161: Deimplementation Warning for level 1 CDs. PRI number 10269521 These COMS warnings will be replaced by fatal errors with the first release of COMS after May, 2004.

As a result: al SURE-releases older than 5.1.2 can not run with a version of COMS, released after May 2004. A patch is available.



Release SURE 5.1.1




- MCP 4.6.x

Fully compatible



- MCP 4.7.x

Problems with SYSTEM/BINDER if OBJECT/RIS/API/DRIVER is bound. This problem is only applicable for you if you received the sources of SURE. The problem is solved via a specific patch version of SYSTEM/BINDER (bind problems with global strings).



- MCP 4.8.x

Fully compatible



- MCP 4.9.x

The following COMS problem is encounted with this SURE release:

-          Unisys COMS warning 161: Deimplementation Warning for level 1 CDs. PRI number 10269521 These COMS warnings will be replaced by fatal errors with the first release of COMS after May, 2004.

As a result: al SURE-releases older than 5.1.2 can not run with a version of COMS, released after May 2004. A patch is available.



Release SURE 5.1.2




- MCP 4.6.x

Fully compatible



- MCP 4.7.x

Problems with SYSTEM/BINDER if OBJECT/RIS/API/DRIVER is bound. This problem is only applicable for you if you received the sources of SURE. The problem is solved via a specific patch version of SYSTEM/BINDER (bind problems with global strings).



- MCP 4.8.x

Fully compatible



- MCP 4.9.x

Fully compatible




We have the following remark:

-          Port numbers lower then 1024 won’t work anymore since MCP release 471. Choose are port number greater then 1024, both on the mainframe and on the PC. You must also do this for your other client-server applications.



                        We want to upgrade to another MCP release. What is the best procedure?

The SURE objects work with a DMSII database (INFDB). The Unisys DMSII software has a strong relationship with the objects that use a DMSII database. At compilation time, the update timestamps of database structures are compiled into the object. This mechanism is very secure, but rather static when such object files need to be delivered to a customer.


If a customer installs new SURE objects, then these new objects must be capable to communicate with any existing INFDB of that customer. The objects may not get a DMOPEN error. The SURE sources are NOT delivered to the customer, so it is NOT possible to recompile the SURE objects at the customer’s site.


A SURE object is compiled at a central place, and then delivered to many customers. Each customer works with its own MCP-level and DMS-level. A customer may have upgraded some physical dataset attributes (such as areasize, population) to avoid limiterrors. Most customers have SURE installed under a deviating usercode and/or pack. 


Summarized: A SURE object must be capable to communicate with all INFDB’s, on any DMS-level, installed at any customer, with any usercode/pack.


This is possible under the following conditions:

-          All these INFDBs are ‘direct children’ of the original INFDB, and the SURE objects are compiled against the description file of the original INFDB.

-          The customer is NOT allowed to do database reorganizations with 'Record Format Conversion' . Only 'Garbage Collection' and 'File Format Conversions' are allowed (see chapter 7.2 of the DMUtilities Manual). This allows a user to update AREASIZES, TABLESIZES, PACKNAMES, USERCODES and to do DMS upgrades).

-          The customer must start the DMS-upgrade with an original precompiled description file that is supplied by us.

-          The customer must save the correct dasdl (with his last site-specific updates) that belongs to the INFDB that is going to be upgraded.


Read chapter 9.2.3 for more information about this subject.


Upgrade steps.

  1. Dump the database and save the controlfile, descriptionfile, dasdl, dmsupport library and reconstruct program.
  2. Check that the INFDB is not in a 'recovery state': run a program, for example RIS/MENU, and stop that program.
  3. Disable the SURE window, thaw RESPECT/LIBRARY, and wait until the INFDB is stopped.
  4. Log on with the usercode/pack where the INFDB is placed.
  5. Check that the available DASDL/INFDB source contains your site-specific modifications (usercode, packnames, site-specific areasizes, etc).
  6. Check that the available DASDL/INFDB source was used to compile the most recent DESCRIPTION/INFDB file. Thus the available DASDL/INFDB sources describes the current version of the database.
  7. The SURE release CD contains an 'original' description file for each DMS release. The current original description files are:





  1. Overwrite your current description file with the description file of your target DMS release. For Example: if you want to upgrade to DMS-49.1, then:



  1. Check that your DASDL/INFDB source has the following settings:




  1. Compile your DASDL/INFDB source against the description file that you just copied:


  1. Wait until the compilation is done, and until the new DMSUPPORT/INFDB and RECONSTRUCT/INFDB are created.
  2. Ignore the message 'REORGANIZATION REQUIRED' if that message appears.
  3. Check the number of the last created auditfile:

FILE INFDB ON <auditfile-pack>.

  1. Update the controlfile with RECOVER UPDATE:


DMCONTROL asks if a tapedirectory is required. Reply <mix>AX NO

DMCONTROL asks for the last auditfile number.  Reply <mix>AX <nr>

  1. Make the following files public:




  1. Ready.



-          At step 5 and 6 you check that your current dasdl source belongs to your current database. So all the definitions in your dasdl source are really in your database.

-          At step 7 and 8 you overwrite your current description file with an 'original' description file from the CD. This original description file is already compiled for the correct DMS level, so you won't have to do the DMS-level upgrade anymore. The original description file does not contain your site-specific declarations (usercode, packname, etc).

-          At step 9, 10 and 11 you upgrade the original description file with your site-specific declarations which are in the dasdl source. The result is a description file with our original dataset timestamps, and with your physical attributes (usercode, pack, areasizes).

-          At step 12 you ignore the message 'reorganization required', because your database has already the layout that is described in your dasdl. You checked that already at step 5 and 6.

-          At step 13 and 14, you update the controlfile. The dataset timestamps are copied from the description file to the control file and that makes the database available for our objects.

-          At step 15 you make the database public, because any user can start it up.


This procedure does not do anything with the database-files itself, only the controlfile, descriptionfile, dmsupport library and reconstruct program are involved.



                        How can I connect to another host?

Do I only have to modify the AW_OBJ configuration file if we need to connect to another host?


Basically you are right. If you change the IP-address and port-number in the AW_OBJ.INI file then you will connect to another host. And then you will also be connected to another repository (because the INFDB-repository can not be placed on two different hosts).


Notice that you must change the IP-address two times in the AW_OBJ.INI file.


There are two (minor) problems: some temporarily settings of your SURE session are also kept in the AW_OBJ.INI (for example the contents of folder 'last-edited-files). These settings are repository-dependent. Usually it won't give any problems if some unknown stuff is placed in the AW_OBJ.INI.

The second problem has to do with the repository on the mainframe. A copy of the mainframe repository is placed on the PC (in directory C:\SURE\RIS\DATA\INFDB\*.*. If you connect to another host, then you will also connect to another repository, and then the contents of your local repository won't match anymore with the contents of the mainframe repository. SURE gives you a warning about this at log-on time, and the local-repository on your PC will then be refreshed with a newly created version. Therefore, this second problem is handled automatically by SURE, but you will get a message at log-on time.



                        Can SURE be used by programmers that work at home?

Here is the scenario.

-          A programmer is at home when he gets a call to fix a program at work.

-          He wants to fix the program from home.

-          He does not have a TD830 terminal emulator and does not have forms mode capability.

-          He does not have the SURE client installed.

-          He has access to Cande and does not have access to Marc (because of the forms mode).

-          He can start jobs, run programs, and compile.

-          He needs to be able check files out and in and make quick fixes.

-          This also requires creating a task and solving / promoting the task.


How can these requirements be met?


Make it possible for the user in install the SURE client software directly from the Internet.

That should be a special thin client installation (no help files, no presentations, etc). This installation will take about 15 minutes. The installation downloads the client software, installs it on the PC in a fixed directory, and links the SURE client automatically to your host.


All the programmer has to do is go on the Internet to the address where you placed the link to the thin client installation and start the installation.


Notice that the programmer only has to do this once. The second time the client software is already there. There is also a check in SURE that the client software is compatible with the mainframe software. A warning will be given at log-on time if the mainframe software is changed (because of a new release) but the client software is not updated.


We can help you to set-up such an installation.



                        How must I add a new license key?

I received a license key for SURE but how must I add it?


Use function Menu/Options/License../Button:New/’for CBS order number’ to add a new license key to SURE.

Enter the following fields:

CBS order number

The order number that you received from Unisys. If the order number consists of 2 parts then enter 0 in the third field.


Date license issued

The key date that you received from Unisys


The key that you received from Unisys

Number of clients / Site license

Enter / choose the correct option




                        Is it wise to load files of multiple application systems in one repository?

We have several separate application systems.  It is almost as if they are on separate machines.  Very few files are shared between the systems and they can be reconciled manually if necessary.


Each system has a team of people working on it.  It is essential that people cannot access source code for another team.


The object code for each system must go to separate usercodes on separate packs.


Do we need separate repositories?


It is possible to install multiple SURE repositories on the same machine (for example: if two teams are working on completely separated products, and these products do not use any resources of each other, and the release planning of each product is completely unique, etc.  Summarized: if the two products could have been developed on totally different machines). However: most of our customers have chosen to store the sources of all their application systems in one and the same SURE repository.


There are two basic rules:

-          Try to load all application systems in the same repository.

-          Load an application system in a separate repository if the release mechanism differs from the other repositories. The release mechanism means: the SURE environments that are applicable for that application system and more important: the moment that new software is released for production.


Considerations of one repository or multiple repositories are:

1.      SURE creates a data dictionary on file-level: which copy-files, datasets, databases, libraries, data-files etc. are in use by which programs. You write that in your case various application-systems access other application-systems (for inquiry purposes). This will be detected by SURE and you can make queries on that, but this is only possible if all sources of all application systems are loaded in the same repository.


2.      Integrated views of the status of all projects are possible when all sources are loaded in the same repository.


3.      One repository means: All sources are available in one place: SURE. You never have to ask yourself the question “where can I find the correct version of that source”, because the source is in SURE.


4.      Each repository triggers a number of batch processes:

- A backup procedure for the repository database itself (a database dump via dmutility).

- An evening batch procedure (compilations, object-transfer, repository-cleanup) for each environment of that repository.


      SURE has an evening batch (per environment) where changed files are compiled and the objects released to their final object locations. These evening batches are usually monitored by the operating staff: when the SURE evening batch is completed and all necessary application objects are compiled and installed then the operator can start the evening batch of the application system. “Multiple repositories” means more complications for the operating staff.

Suppose that you have 20 separate application systems, and each system requires 3 environments (develop, test and production), and you load each application system in a separate repository. In this case, you will have 20 database backup procedures, and 60 evening batches. One of the main reasons to install SURE is to improve the procedures that have to do with source maintenance and application deployment. But in this example everything is complex and the operating staff will make mistakes easily. If all 20 application systems are loaded in the same repository, then only one repository has to be backed-up, and the number of SURE evening batches is also limited to 1 per environment. That is a simple procedure that can easily be understood by everybody in the building.


5.      Security aspects:

      It may be a requirement that developers of system AAA cannot access files of system BBB. It is possible to setup the SURE authorizations in such a way that developers of application-system AAA cannot change files that belong to application system BBB. It is also possible to hide files that don’t belong to the system of the developer.


The authorization mechanism of SURE is very flexible. It is possible to define authorizations per environment en per application system. So it is possible to set authorizations such as: allow person XX to access (check-out, check-in, compile, find, replace, list, etc.) of system AAA but not of any other system. Allow person YY to access (check-out, check-in, compile, find, replace, list, etc.) of system BBB but not of any other system. Etcetera.

It is possible to link a person to one or more application systems. This limits the various task-lists (ToDo, TaskBusy, TaskReady, etc) of that user to tasks of those systems.

All this means that authorization aspects are not very relevant in this discussion.


6.      Timing aspects:

      If all application systems are stored in one repository then you have only one evening batch for each environment of that repository. All objects that were created during that evening batch are released at the same moment.

Suppose that you have 1 program of system AAA in the compile queue and 100 programs of system BBB. Compiling the single AAA-program takes 1 minute, but compiling the 100 BBB-sources takes 1 hour. If the AAA program is important for today's evening batch of system AAA, then that evening batch has to wait an extra hour until the compilations for the application system (BBB) are completed.

      A compile-fast procedure is available to avoid this problem.


7.      Location aspects:

- The development packs two system may differ.

      - The location of the object files of two systems may differ.

      - The location of the copy-files of two systems may differ.

      All these options can be addressed by SURE.


8.      Environment aspects:

            The repository is sub-divided in environments. Some environments are meaningless for some application systems. It is possible to exclude environments for specific systems.


Basically, there are two methods to bring new software to production: the ongoing method, and the frozen-release method.


Suppliers of software packages mostly use the frozen-release method: once a year a new version of the package is made. This release contains new features and fixes for all reported problems. Urgent errors in a release are fixed via patches. A release is a 'frozen' state of the total application system.

Sites with own written applications mostly use the ongoing method. Each day some new features are transferred to production. Errors are fixed immediately. The total application system is never frozen but always in progress.


Application systems that are developed via the frozen-release method are usually loaded in a separate repository. The benefit is then that each frozen (and historical) release can be kept in a separate SURE-environment of that repository. The release interval is usually unique for each application system and that requires a separate repository.


If all application systems are developed via the ongoing method then there is no reason to load those systems in separate repositories. The set of required SURE-environments for each system is not really relevant. Suppose that you have two systems. System AAA needs a DEVELOP, a TEST and a PRODUCTION environment. System BBB needs only a DEVELOP and a PRODUCTION environment. In that case you have two options: you can exclude environment TEST for system BBB, or you can remove the default object-locations of system BBB for environment TEST (the exclude method is very static, the object-locations method is flexible). In both cases nothing of system BBB will be compiled for the TEST environment. Developers of the BBB-team can hide environment TEST in the SURE browser.


9.      Ownership aspects:

If multiple application systems are loaded in the same repository, and a separate team develops each of those systems, then there must be a SURE coordinator who stands above those teams. This coordinator is responsible for the authorizations, for repository configuration aspects, etcetera. If each application system is loaded in a separate repository, then the team leader can do this job.


10.   Etcetera.



The fact that two separate application systems don't overlap is not very relevant in this discussion.

Use a separate repository for application systems that are developed via the frozen release method.

Load all application systems that are developed via the ongoing method in the same repository.



                        Where is a source placed on disk when I do a check-out of that source?

The file is placed in the work environment of the person who did the check-out.


The work environment is the place in Cande where the developer does his work. An imported part of the programmer’s job is ‘compile the source where he is working on’. This compilation requires that the correct versions of copy-files and description files are visible from his work-location. Another important part of the programmer’s job is ‘test the newly compiled object’. This test requires that a correct set of other application objects is visible from his work-location. 


The non-SURE situation: A developer who is not working with SURE arrives in Cande in his work environment when he logs on to Cande. He edits his files in this place, does his compilations, test work, etc. The developer knows on which application system he is working, so he logs on with a usercode that ‘belongs’ to that application system. In that case the user decides his work environment.


The SURE situation: In SURE it is possible to link a work environment to an application system. For example: the work-environment of system AA is usercode (DEVAA) ON DEVPACK. The work environment of system BB is usercode (DEVBB) ON DEVPACK. Different systems may have the same work-environment.

The developer always logs on to SURE with his personal usercode (for example usercode SIMON). When he is going to work on a file that belongs to system AA then his work-environment on the mainframe must be (DEVAA) ON DEVPACK, but when he is going to work on a file that belongs to system BB then his work-environment on the mainframe must be (DEVBB) ON DEVPACK. Summarized: SURE must link a user to the work-environment that belongs to the system of file on which that developer is working.

If the file of system AA is checked-out from SURE then that file is placed on the mainframe in the work-environment (DEVAA) ON DEVPACK. When the user is going to compile that program, then the compilation is started in the same work-environment.

In this case the work-environment of a user is determined by SURE (and thus by the system administrator who defined the work-environments in SURE).


A special work-environment is the global directory ‘*’ (for example:   * ON DEVPACK). In that case the work-environment consists of all usercodes on DEVPACK.

The programmer still logs on with his personal usercode SIMON. If a file is checked-out from SURE then the source will be placed on the mainframe under usercode (SIMON) ON DEVPACK. If the source is compiled, then the compilation is started under usercode (SIMON) ON DEVPACK, but the resulting object is copied to the global directory * ON DEVPACK where it is visible for all other developers (Notice that this is similar to the situation that the work-environment is DEVAA: if a program is compiled, then the object remains under usercode DEVAA where it is visible for all other programmers that work on system AA, because all these programmers work in the same work-environment).

If the developer is changing a copy-file then the temporary (work) version of that copy-file is on the mainframe under his personal usercode (in this example SIMON). When the final version of the copy-file is checked-in to SURE, then that version is also copied to the defined work-environment (* ON DEVPACK) where it becomes available for the other developers of his team.



If the work-usercode is not * but (for example) DEVAA, then all checked-out files are available under that usercode. If the work-usercode is *, then the checked-out files are placed on disk under the developers personal usercode.

The defined work-environment also is the location where the copy-files are placed (after check-in) and where the test-objects are placed (after test-compilation).


Default work environment

It is not mandatory to define a work-environment for an application system. If no work-environment is defined for a system, or if an invalid (unknown) usercode is used in the work-environment, then the default work-environment is used. The default work-environment can be defined per Sure-environment.





                        What is a ROLE?

Roles are used to customize the appearance of the SURE-browser to a users needs. Menu-choices and browser-folders are made hidden or visible according to the role of the user. If the user did not choose a specific role, then all menu-choices and folders are visible.


The following list explains the purpose and some characteristics of roles:

-          The purpose of a role is to make the SURE browser interface easier to understand for the user. Folders that are not necessary for a user’s role are hided.

-          It is not possible to customize the set of folders that are activated for a specific role. The links between folders and roles are hard-coded in the software. A user’s authorization scheme is not used to hide/unhide folders, with one exception: folder Configuration is hided if the user does not have authorization ‘Global/Options’.  

-          The authorization mechanism remains active. If a function is linked to a role, but the user is not allowed to perform that function, then he will get an authorization error.

-          The user can still hide specific folders.

-          If a user has always the same role (e.g. always ‘developer’), then that role can be linked to his usercode. In that case, the user won’t have the possibility to choose a role on the logon screen.

-          If a user can work with multiple roles (e.g. sometimes ‘project leader’ and sometimes ‘developer’), then these roles should not be linked to his usercode. The user may choose his appropriate role on the logon screen. If he chooses role ‘none’ then all folders are available for him.



                        What is an EMPLOYEE-FUNCTION?

Employee-functions are used for two purposes:

  1. Security. Define authorization maps that can be linked to users (the user inherits the defined Sure authorizations).
  2. Routing.  It is possible to link a task to an employee-function. The task is then available for all users with that employee-function.

Employee-functions are NOT the same as roles.



                        What is an ENVIRONMENT?

The SURE repository can be sub-divided in multiple environments (up to 8). The site can choose the amount of environments and the environment-names. It is possible to add or delete an environment later on. The set of environments in SURE should reflect the various stages in the software development process at your site. For example: if your site has a development-team, then you should have a develop environment. If the software has to be tested by a test-team, then you will need a testing environment. If the software has to be checked via an integration test with other software modules, then you will need an acceptance or integration environment. Finally you will have a production environment that contains the production software. If you site does not have a testing or integration-team, then it won't be necessary to define these environments.



                        What is a PROJECT?

The word ‘project’ can have two meanings:

-          A sub-system.

-          An amount of work to be done.

In the SURE context, the word ‘project’ means ‘sub-system’.

‘An amount of work to be done’ is in the SURE context ‘a task’.


A file belongs to a project and a project belongs to a system. A system is always a project of itself.


SYS-1 is a system and PROJ-1 is a project of that system.


Project SYS-1 is (by definition) a project of system SYS-1

Project PROJ-1 is (manually defined as) a project of system SYS-1.


File FILE-1 is (manually) linked to project PROJ-1 and thus automatically linked to system SYS-1

File FILE-2 is (manually) linked to project SYS-1 and thus automatically linked to system SYS-1  



                        Is it possible that multiple users log on with the same usercode?

The usercode that is entered at log on time is primarily used for authorization, identification and logging purposes. This usercode is not necessarily equal to the workspace in Cande where the developer does his work.

It is possible that multiple users are logged on with the same usercode, but we certainly don’t recommend it, because then those users will hinder each other during their daily routines: 

An example:

A programmer can only change a file when that programmer is linked to a current task. Therefore, it is highly recommended that each person has his own unique personal usercode. When two persons are logged one with the same usercode, then they can change each other current task and that won’t happen if each person is logged on with his own personal usercode.



                        How can I assign a task that will cross more than one system?

When a request is raised, it must cross more than one system. For example, for a feature that must be implemented in system ‘trust card’, we also must do something in system ‘deposit’. This request must be transferred into the task. So this task must cross over the deposit system and the trust card system. When I add a new task, there is just one field to place project name. And the project name belong only to one specific system, it cannot cross over two systems. So I can’t create a task that belongs to both systems.


When you are going to maintain a source (check-out, edit, check-in) then you need a workspace in Cande (a usercode on a pack) to do so. This workspace (or work-environment) is inherited from the system-definition in SURE.

If the work-environment of the system is (SYS1) ON WORKPACK then SURE places the checked-out file on disk under the usercode on that pack, and you must log on with Cande or with NX/Edit with that usercode.


Notice that a file is linked to a project and system, but a task is also linked to a project (and inherits a system).


By default a user can work on files and tasks of all projects, but if a user is linked to list of projects/systems then he can only work on tasks and files of those projects and systems and the tasks of other won't appear in this task-Life-Cycle folders (My-task, my-team-tasks, etc).

The global options dialogue contains an option: 'User can work on files from projects outside his defined project list' (Right click on 'Environment'/'Global Options'/Tab sheet 'Security'). If a user has a project-list and this option is set, then that user still can't work on tasks of other projects, but he will be able to work on files of other projects.


Now there are two possibilities:

  1. It is possible to work in the work-environment that is defined for the system of the file (the default).
  2. It is possible to work in the work-environment that is defined for the system of the task.


The global options dialogue contains the option 'Use task system work-environment (in stead of file system). If this option is set then the work-environment that is defined for the system of the task is used. (Right click on 'Environment'/'Global options'/Tab SURE).

Notice also that it is possible to define a system that is only used for tasks and not for files. You can define a specific workspace for that system, and if you are working on a task of that system then you are routed to the workspace in Cande that is defined for that task-system.


So if a user is not linked to a project-list, or if option 'user can work on files of other projects' is set, then the developer can access all files of all projects.

If option 'use task-system workspace' is set, then he will work in the work-environment that is defined for the task. All checked-out files will then be placed in the same workspace in Cande (usercode/family) no matter what their systems are.


Notice that it does make sense to link a user to a project-list, and the set the option 'user is allowed to work on files of other projects', because:

  1. The tasks listed in the task-Life-Cycle folders are still limited to the users' project list.
  2. It is possible to define authorizations per project or per system and that makes it possible to setup a authorization scheme such as: a user is allowed to use functions check-out, edit and check-in for files of system SYS1, and functions Compile and 'Modify Properties' for files of system SYS2, and no function for files of other systems.



                        Can we set options ’independenttrans’ and ‘reapplycomplete’ for INFDB?

For technical reasons these options must remain reset. The design of the INFDB repository is in conflict with the usage of these options. If these options are set, then many deadlocks will occur in the tables of the sets to dataset DREL.


Database INFDB is kept open during by library RESPECT/LIBRARY and by the online interface. The online-interface goes automatically to end-of-task after one hour doing nothing. Library RESPECT/LIBRARY thaws automatically after not being accessed for 5 hours. Therefore, in normal circumstances the database will be out of the mix each morning.



                        What is the best method to backup database INFDB?

Is there a preferred mechanism for backup the INFRA DB? It would seem most simple to do an offline backup nightly to tape, and then just remove the audit files. To do this I would need to have a way to programmatically close the DB. Then I could perform the offline dump, remove the audit files from disk, and the programmatically tell SURE it is okay to open the DB.


There is no preferred method. Some sites do an online database dump, followed by a forced close of the audit file. Other sites do an offline database dump.

The frequency of the database dump also varies per customer, depending on amount of transactions that are done. Sites with a small development team dump the database once a week. Sites with a large development team dump the database each day. 


There are four types of programs:

-          Programs that do not access the database

-          Library RESPECT/LIBRARY

-          The SureWindows interface on the mainframe (OBJECT/RIS/API/= )

-          Other programs that access the database and that can be started via a RUN in Cande


The following technical aspects are important in this issue:

-          All programs that access the database do that in UPDATE mode, there are no inquiry-only programs.

-          Almost all programs do a call to library RESPECT/LIBRARY. This library also opens the database for update mode, and it is a permanent frozen library.

-          Some programs of the SureWindows interface access RESPECT/LIBRARY and/or the database.


Most sites want to have the repository available for the development team as much as possible. They also want to have the repository available during the night, because sometimes a developer has to make a quick-fix to a source.


The benefit of an online database dump is that the database remains available for the developers while the database dump is busy. Notice that all programs open the database for update, and these programs can’t run during an offline dump.


The SureWindows interface is usually always enabled (in Coms), unless there are technical reasons to disable it (in case of a software upgrade, or in case of a calamity).


All these considerations and technical aspects lead almost automatically to ‘online database dump’, but it is still very well possible to use the offline method because:

-          The SureWindows interface on the mainframe is always enabled in Coms, but the programs that access the database and/or RESPECT/LIBRARY go automatically to end-of-task after one hour doing nothing.

-          Library RESPECT/LIBRARY thaws automatically after not being accessed for 5 hours.

As a result: in normal circumstances, the database goes each night automatically to end-of-task.


If the database has to be dumped via the offline method, then it is necessary to bring down the database programmatically, because you want to control the moment of dumping.


The database goes always immediately to end-of task if the SureWindows interface in Coms is disabled and RESPECT/LIBRARY is thawed. This can be done manually, but there is also a way to do both actions programmatically with function MIXCMD in program RESPECT/TOOLS. This batch function must be used with the name of a mix-entry and a command for that mix-entry. This makes it possible to thaw a library and disable a program in Coms via a batch job.







This example THAWS library (SCRATCH)RESPECT/LIBRARY/SCRATCH/INFDB ON IDRD (the instance of respect/library that works with a database INFDB which is installed under usercode SCRATCH), and DISABLES program SCRATCH_API in Coms (the SureWindows interface for that repository).


The name of program in the parameter must be equal to the name of the mix-entry (with usercode and packname). A comma is used to separate the command from the name.



                        How must I define a ‘historical environment’?

How could I define the "Historical Environment" above Production so that the normal transfer process will stop at Production?


The new environment above environment PRODUCTION must be defined as follows:

-          Right click on environment PRODUCTION and choose NEW to go to the dialogue where you can create a new environment. The setting of environment Production are pre-filled and you must change some of the settings according to your own needs (you should change at least the default-workfile-location and the SURE-batch-location).

-          Enter the name of the new environment in field ‘Environment’.

-          Enter PRODUCTION in field ‘Environment below newly created environment’ and click on ‘Copy upward’. This copies environment PRODUCTION upwards as the new environment.


Your second question: how to stop the transfer at environment Production?

Go to the properties of environment PRODUCTION (right click on Production and choose properties) and set option ‘Task arriving in this environment is indicated as SOLVED’.

If this option is set for an environment, and a task is transferred to that environment, then that task gets status SOLVED. It is not possible to transfer a task that has status solved. Therefore, it is not possible to transfer tasks from Production to your new environment.



                        What is the purpose of options ‘Phase 1, 2, 3 development’?

I read the Assistant ppt file, and it says that these fields help to separate the total develop process into three environments: Design, Global-Function, Develop.

It also mentions that the task of Reorganization could be used here in order to increase the productivity of the developer.


I am more confused after reading the explanation. What would these fields impact the other environments?


These field are useful if you have a layered application design.


Suppose that you designed the application software in such a way that is has three layers:

-          The lowest layer contains the database plus all basic modules that actually access the database (such as 'add customer' or 'add account' or 'modify customer').

-          The middle layer contains global business functions (such as 'calculate interest' or 'open new account' or 'expire credit-card').

-          The third layer contains all software modules that deal with the user interface: online programs, batch programs, etc.


The programs of the third layer call modules from the second layer, so the second layer functionality must exist before it is possible to start with the development of third layer functionality.

The modules from the second layer call modules from the first layer (for example: module 'open new account' calls ' add/modify customer' and 'add account'), so the first layer functionality must exist before it is possible to start with the development of second layer functionality.


Suppose that you have the following environments:






with option 'Phase 3 development' SET


with option 'Phase 2 development' SET


with option 'Phase 1 development' SET


Environment DB-DESIGN is used to develop and test the first layer functionality such as:

-          Add a new dataset to the database and create basic modules to add/inquire/modify/delete/browse records of that dataset.

-          Add a new item in an existing dataset, and update the basic module that performs the actions on that dataset so that the new item is also processed.

-          Delete an existing item in an existing dataset, and update the basic modules.

-          Etcetera.

Each modification of the dasdl requires updates in one or more basic software modules. This is all done in environment DB-DESIGN. The changed dasdl and the changed software modules are all linked to the same task. The task remains in DB-DESIGN until all changes are well tested, and then the task is transferred to environment GLOBAL-FUNCTIONS.


Environment GLOBAL-FUNCTIONS is used to develop and test the second layer functionality (global business functions):

-          It is possible that a global business function must be adapted because of a change in the database (for example: an existing dataset was deleted from the dasdl, and the basic modules for that dataset are also deleted, so the business functions in the second layer that are calling those deleted function have to be adapted).

-          It is possible that a global business function must be changed for a reason that is database independent (for example: the formula to calculate the interest must be changed in business function 'calculate interest').

The business function is developed and tested in environment GLOBAL-FUNCTION. The changed software modules are linked to a task. That means that these functions are without errors and well tested when the task is transferred to environment USERINTERFACE.


Environment USERINTERFACE is used to develop and test the third layer functionality. All software modules of the first and second layer are stable in this environment, because these modules were already tested in a lower environment and that increases the productivity of the developers.


Environments PRODUCTION, TEST and USERINTERFACE contain ALL application sources.

Environment GLOBAL-FUNCTIONS contains the sources of the first and second layer functionality.

Environment DB-DESIGN only contains the sources of the first layer functionality.


The three bits make it possible to copy the application layers in the development process, and that improves the stability of the application.


If the application software does not have a layered design, then you probably will have only one develop environment with all three bits set.

If is also possible that the application software has two layers: one develop environment with two bits set, and another develop environment with one bit set.


The SURE environments that have one or more of the bits set form together the 'development environment' (for example: DB-DESIGN, GLOBAL-FUNCTIONS and USERINTERFACE form together the 'development environment')


Some specific actions are performed by SURE for the 'development environment'. These are:

-          Give a task a QUICK-FIX indication if it is added or reactivated on a non-development environment (in the example TEST or PRODUCTION) .

-          RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE will never use the Cande-version of a checked-out source or copy-file, when it is running in a non-development environment.


Each SURE-environment that is part of the total development environment (DB-DESIGN, GLOBAL-FUNCTIONS, USERINTERFACE) is treated equally by SURE.

The content of each of these SURE-environments is determined by the site.



                        How can I define a separate test environment in SURE?

My two colleagues are testing the SURE functions in environments  DEVELOP, ACCEPTANCE, and PRODUCTION.

Is it possible that I create my own separate environments like JACOB_DEVELOP, JACOB_ACCEPTANCE, JACOB_PRODUCTION so that I can do my own test without interfering theirs?


This is a normal situation, because usually all files of all application systems are loaded in the same repository, and developers of system A don’t want to be hindered by stuff of system B (and vice versa).

The defined SURE-environments apply be default for all loaded files of all systems. So defining extra environments won't be the solution for this.


There are several methods:

First of all: each of you should work with a unique personal usercode.

The usercode is used for all kinds of identification purposes. One of the usercode attributes is the current work task: a person can only modify files when he is linked to a current work task. A usercode cannot be linked to multiple work-tasks simultaneously. So if you are all working with the same usercode, and somebody changes his current work task, then the current task is changed for all of you. That is very unhandy, and that won’t happen if each team member has his own personal usercode. (Notice that the personal usercode is not per definition equal to the usercode of the Cande work environment).


The first solution:

You can define a new SYSTEM, and link your usercode to the new system-name and the other usercodes to the other system-names. Now you will only see files and tasks of your own system in the Life-Cycle folders. That creates a good separation on system level.


A very different method is:

You can install an extra Sure repository to do your own tests. Notice that it is only necessary to create extra repositories if you want to do some tests with a different set of environments.

Creating an extra repository can be done via the installation program on the mainframe: OBJECT/RIS/INSTALL. Your current repository is installed under usercode (SURE). You can install a second SURE system under any other usercode, for example usercode (JACOB). You have to copy the SURE objects on the mainframe (OBJECT/RIS/= and OBJECT/RESPECT/=) and it requires an extra port-number (higher then 1024), and an extra program definition in Coms.

Then you have to do an extra installation of the client software on your PC, in an separate folder

(for example C:\JacobSure\*.*) and connect that client to the same port number.


The problem with an extra repository is that you won't learn how to work with different projects and systems in one repository. Normally all application projects and systems are loaded in the same repository.



Why does a baseline task does not overlap with other tasks?

When I studied your PPT explaining the Baseline concept, I found an interesting statement:

"Modifications for a specific baseline-task can be transferred to production separately from modifications for other tasks."


I can't see how it can be transferred to production separately, if the patch becomes visible to other baselines after it is transferred away from the Develop environment.

It is unavoidable to be interfered by other baselines once the patches are visible for each other.


I explain this via an example with the following environments: DEVELOP, MERGE, INTEGRATION and PROD.


1. Consider the following file:


PROG/XX in all environments:

00000000% VERSION 2.1

00000100 BEGIN

00000200    DISPLAY(“line 1”);

00000300 END.


The status of this file is stable: the same version is resident in each environment.



2. The file is checked-out in environment DEVELOP for baseline BB and the following modification is made (the BB-modification):

00000000% VERSION 2.1

00000100 BEGIN

00000200    DISPLAY(“line 1”);

00000250    DISPLAY(“LINE BB”);

00000300 END.


This results in the following patch-file for baseline B:



00000250    DISPLAY(“LINE BB”);


Program PROG/XX itself is not changed because the modification is made via a patch-file.



3. The BB-modification is transferred to environment MERGE. Baselines are not activated in this environment. The BB-modification is still in a separate patch-file, but ALL available patch-files are always merged (temporarily) into the source when that source has to be compiled:


The merged PROG/XX in environment MERGE:

00000000% VERSION 3.1

00000100 BEGIN

00000200    DISPLAY(“line 1”);

00000250    DISPLAY(“LINE BB”);

00000300 END.


The source itself has in MERGE still the same content as in point 1.

The BB patch-file has still the same content as in point 2.



4. The file is checked-out in environment DEVELOP for baseline AA and the following modification is made (the AA-modification):

00000000% VERSION 3.1

00000100 BEGIN

00000150    DISPLAY(“LINE AA”);

00000200    DISPLAY(“line 1”);

00000300 END.


This results in the following patch-file for baseline AA:



00000150    DISPLAY(“LINE AA”);


Program PROG/XX itself is not changed because the modification is made via a patch-file.



5. The AA-modification is transferred to environment MERGE. Baselines are not activated in this environment. The AA-modification is still in a separate patch-file, but ALL available patch-files are always merged (temporarily) into the source when that source has to be compiled:


The merged PROG/XX in environment MERGE

00000000% VERSION 3.1

00000100 BEGIN

00000150    DISPLAY(“LINE AA”);

00000200    DISPLAY(“line 1”);

00000250    DISPLAY(“LINE BB”);

00000300 END.


The source itself has in MERGE still the same content as in point 1.

The BB patch-file has still the same content as in point 2.

The AA patch-file has still the same content as in point 4.


Both patches are now for the first time in the same merged source. This is the place where the merge process can be checked for physical and logical errors. The check on logical errors is a manual check. SURE gives a warning if two patch-files have records with the same sequence number (physical overlap). The compiler gives syntax-errors if the merge result is invalid.



6. The AA-modification is transferred to environments INTEGRATION and PROD. The AA-modification is still in a separate patch-file, but baselines are not activated in these environments and that causes that ALL available patch-files are always merged (temporarily) into the source when that source has to be compiled:


The merged PROG/XX in environment INTEGRATION and PROD

00000000% VERSION 3.1

00000100 BEGIN

00000150    DISPLAY(“LINE AA”);

00000200    DISPLAY(“line 1 quick fix”);

00000300 END.


The source itself has in INTEGRATION and PROD still the same content as in point 1.

The BB patch-file is not yet available in these environments.

The AA patch-file has still the same content as in point 4.



A patch for baseline BB is transferred to MERGE.

A patch for baseline AA was transferred to MERGE, INTEGRATION and PROD.

The source is NOT polluted by the BB-modification in INTEGRATION and PROD and that proves that the modifications for a specific baseline-task (the AA task) are transferred to production separately from modifications for other tasks (the BB task).



                        How does a file get an object location, and who can change it?

It is possible to define three default object-locations per system and per environment: the object-location, the bindobject-location and the alternate-location. (These names have become like this for historical reasons, but there is technically no difference between the three locations. The could also have been named object-location-1, object-location-2 and object-location-3)

The three different object-locations are per environment. If you need more then three different location then you must do that via an extra system.


The ‘object-inherit option’ of the file-type identifies which of the three object-locations must be inherited by a file with that file-type. (This means that an object-location is physically linked to a file: The object-location of a file on the object-tab of the file-properties.)



Consider system AAA with the following object-locations:





Bind object loc



Alternate location

= * on CODEPK


File-type HAS-OBJECT inherits the object-location

File-type WFL inherits the alternate location

File-type BINDMODULE inherits the bindobject location

File-type NO-OBJECT inherits no object location


All files with file-type HAS-OBJECT have now object-usercode/pack PRODUSCD on CODEPK.

All files with file-type WFL have now object-usercode * and object-pack CODEPK.

All files with file-type BINDMODULE have now object location SURE on SUREPK.

All files with file-type NO-OBJECT don't have an object-usercode/pack and won't be compiled.

A newly added file with file-type WFL gets automatically object-location * ON CODEPK.





If one of the default object-locations of a system is changed, then the inherited object-locations of the files of that system are changed too.

If the inherit-option of a file-type is changed, then the object-locations of the files of that file-type are changed too.

If the system or file-type of a file is changed, then the object-location is changed too.


These three rules enforce that an inherited object-location is always equal to the default object-location of the system.


It is possible to overrule this inheritance, by defining a deviation object-location for a file. If that is done, then the object-location of that file will NOT be updated automatically if the system-properties or file-type properties are changed.



Notice the two authorization bits 'Update' and 'Update object fields' (on the security map:button SURE authorizations):

-          A user is allowed to update the file-properties if he has security-bit 'Update' set.

-          A user is allowed to update the object-related file-properties (on the object-tab) if he has both security bits (Update' and 'Update object fields') set.

The correct object-location is always automatically set when a file is newly added, independent of the two security bits.


The combination of this all leads to a secured object-environment, and at the same time flexibility when a new file is added.

Give a programmer the authorizations to add a file (security:'Enter') and to modify the file-attributes (security 'Update') but NOT to modify the object-related fields (security 'Update object fields'). The programmer can now add a new file, and the correct object-location (depending on the file-type/system) is automatically linked to the file. The programmer cannot change the object-location, so the object-environment remains unharmed.


Transfer option per environment.

The environment-transfer option (Environment/PRODUCTION/properties/"Sure Transfer") is used to identify how the library maintenance copy to a specific pack/host must be done: a copy via tape or a pack-to-pack copy (via BNA)


Consider files PROG/1 and PROG/2, both with object-location (OBJ1) ON SYS1PACK ON HOST1.

If one or both of these files are compiled during the batch then the new objects have to copied to the correct location: (OBJ1)<object name> ON SYS1PACK ON HOST1

This copy goes by default via a tape and the tape name will be OVZ<packname>'_'<hostname>. In this example the tape name will be: OVZSYS1PACK_HOST1.

If combination SYS1PACK/HOST1 is entered in the environment-transfer options then the copy will be done directly from pack to pack via BNA.



The default object-locations of a system are used to setup object-locations. A newly entered file inherits such a default object-location.

The environment-transfer options are used to identify the type of library-maintenance copy.



                        We get many syntax errors because SURE compiles copylib’s. Why?

How come SURE compiles copylib's and wfllib's and gives them syntax errors? Do we have something configured wrong?

Also we are getting errors(abort) on DFDS modules.?

If a file has an object-location then it will be compiled. The object-location is the trigger for RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE to compile that source.


There are a few exceptions to this rule, based on the filekind of a source:

-          If a file is a DATA, SEQDATA or TEXTDATA file, and it has an object-location, then it won't be compiled, but copied from the repository to that object-location.

-          If a file is a JOBSYMBOL and in use as a copy-file, and it has an object-location, then it won't be compiled but copied to that location.

-          If a file is a JOBSYMBOL and NOT in used as a copy-file, and it has an object-location, then it will be compiled. (in use means: another source references this sources as a copy-file).

-          For all other files: if the file has an object-location, then SURE will try to compile that source, even if it is a copy-file.


The solution: give the copy-files a file-type with option 'never use object-location'.



                        Do you have templates or examples of common employee functions?

A new repository is installed with the following employee functions and authorization schemes:


Employee function SURE-ADMINISTRATOR

-          A SURE administrator is allowed to perform all SURE functions, except to change the authorization maps.


-          All authorization bits are set, except bit Global: security.


Employee function SECURITY-ADMINISTR

-          A security administrator is allowed to change the authorization maps.


-          Global: security.


Employee-function OPERATOR

-          An operator starts the evening batch.


-          Global: monitor, status

-          Sure: operator


Employee function DEVELOPER

-          Developers are allowed to checkout, modify and check-in files, etc.


-          Global: compile, quick-fix, status, transfer-from

-          Sure: copy, examine, find, get, list, request, resequence, reset, save, update, write

-          Task: reactivate, update field solution


Employee function SENIOR-DEVELOPER

-          A senior developer is responsible for the total set of sources of the application, and the links to drivers and start jobs.


-          Global: options, purge, recover,

-          Sure: activate-queue, compile-prod, deactivate-queue, delete, driver, enter, guard, load, multi-compile, object-security, patch, purge-queue, rename, replace, startjob, updateOK, update-object-fields.


Employee function ANALYST

-          An analyst must be able to look into files and to add and approve tasks.


-          Sure: copy, find, list, view

-          Task: add, approve/deny, change-to-solved, delete, reactivate, task-dependencies, update solution


Employee function PROJECT-LEADER

-          A project leader is responsible for the status of the tasks.


-          Global: create-overlap, link-team, organization, transfer-block, -from, -to, -delink, -move, options

-          Sure: assign, request

-          Task: variable-authorizations, power-attribute, task-groups


Please notice that this is only an example. You can change the authorization schemes to your own needs, and add or delete employee-functions.


Notice that it is possible (and often necessary) to link multiple employee functions to a usercode. In the example above:

-          A senior developer must also have employee function DEVELOPER otherwise he cannot checkout and check-in any files. 

-          A project-leader may also have employee-function ANALYST.


In many organizations, a strict separation of responsibilities is a requirement. SURE meets this requirement because it is possible to define authorizations per employee function, as shown in the example. On the other hand: If all above mentioned employee-functions are linked to one usercode, then that person is allowed to perform all functions in SURE.



                    Sure Batch

                        How does SURE handle a mass compilation?

By the way, I found nothing happened while I tried to compile via function <Right click on file>/Compile/SURE.


There are two ways of compiling:

  1. A compilation started by a programmer (to test his last modifications of a source). Such a compilation is started via <right click on file>/Compile/Local. You will see a compilation dialogue that shows the progress of the compilation. This is an ad-hoc compilation started by a programmer.
  2. A compilation started by SURE during the evening batch. Program RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE (of the SURE evening batch) reads a compile-queue and compiles all programs that are placed in that compile-queue. Each SURE-environment has its own compile-queue. A source that is changed in a SURE-environment (after check-in or after batch-load or after a transfer) is automatically placed in the compile-queue of that environment. (Example: a transfer of a task to environment PRODUCTION means: transfer the task and all the source linked to that task to PRODUCTION, and place these sources in the compile-queue of PRODUCTION so that they will be compiled by the SURE-evening-batch of PRODUCTION). It is also possible to add a source (or more sources) manually in the SURE compile-queue. For a single file: <right click on file>/Compile/SURE.  For multiple files: Tools\Multi_Compile.


Answer to question ‘by the way…’:

What you did (function <right click on file>/Compile/SURE) is adding a file manually to the compile-queue (I explained this above under point 2). You can see the contents of the compile-queue via Tools/Compile_Interface.



                        Who starts the evening batch? Can I change the executing time?

I understood that SURE could start a batch compilation for a task, which involved some program files and copy files and wfl-files. What must be the contents of such a batch job and how must I start it? Can the batch job be scheduled?


Each SURE environment has its own job for the SURE evening batch. Parameters for the SURE evening batch must be entered on tab-sheet ‘SURE batch’ of the environment-properties dialogue (<right click on environment-name and choose ‘Properties’). The SURE-batch-directory must be entered on that screen plus the time that the evening batch has to start. The evening job must be generated via button ‘Generate WFL’. The job is called WFL/<environment>/SURE and is placed in the SURE-batch-directory.


The SURE batch can be started in two ways:

  1. Automatically via the start-time mechanism: enter a start-time in the parameters for the SURE evening batch, and start the generated job for the first time manually. From that moment on the job will schedule itself for the next day at the given start-time.
  2. Manually: use function Tools/’Compile Interface’/’Start compile job CP/NX’ to generate a SURE batch job with the functions that you need at that moment, and to start that job.


Chapter ‘Compilation and Object files’ of the manual gives a detailed explanation about the compilation process of the SURE evening batch.



                        How do we recompile all programs that use a changed include file?

SURE automatically re-compiles all sources that use the include file.

A changed or transferred source is automatically placed into the compile-queue, and you can check that queue via function Tools/'Compile Interface'/Queue/Detail/ToCompile.



                        Our object-names are not of the form OBJECT/<source>. Can we change it?

By default, the object-name of a source is 'OBJECT/'<source-name>. If no specific object-name is defined for a source, then the object will get the default name.

If a specific object-name is defined for the source then the compiled object will get that name, but still with the prefix 'OBJECT/'.

If a specific object-name is defined for a source and that object-name starts with '$', then the compiled object will get that name, but without character '$'.


Example with file PROG/ABC:

The name of the compiled object, if no specific object-name is defined:


The name of the compiled object, if the defined object-name = 'ABC':


The name of the compiled object, if the defined object-name = '$OBJ/ABC':



The default name-standard for object-names is OBJECT/<source-name>, but many customers have another, unique, name standard for their objects. It is possible to define a site-specific library-procedure that calculates the object-name from a source-name, and (vice versa) the source-name from an object-name. The default name-standard for object-names (which is OBJECT/<source-name>) is then replaced by a site-specific default name-standard.


With this method, it is not necessary to define a deviating object-name for each specific source, because the object-names are determined by the site name-standard that is written in the library. However, it is still possible to overrule the site name-standard for an individual file by defining a deviating object-name for that file.


If you want to define a site-specific default name-standard for object-files then the name of that library must be entered in the global-options dialogue:

<Right click on Environment>/'Global options'/Tab:Sure/Field:UserLibrary. Notice that the full name of the library must be entered.


In the PowerPoint presentation called ‘Configuration’, you will find details how to write (and to declare) a library that determines object-names.



                        How does SURE handle binding?

Binding is done via DRIVER and START-JOB relations.

A source is linked to a driver via a DRIVER relation. The driver is linked to a job via a START-JOB relation. The customer determines the content of the start-job, but the following is mandatory: the start-job requires two parameters and at the end of the start-job program. RESPECT/SURE/FINISH must run. This program reports the result of the start-job back to SURE.


If a program is compiled via RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE during the SURE evening batch, and that program has a DRIVER relation, then the start-job of that driver will be started at the end of all compilations, and RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE will wait until the result of the started-job is reported back.


A program can be linked to a driver via File-Properties/Configuration/Driver

A program can be linked to a start-job via File-Properties/Configuration/Start-Job.


Click here for an example.


Please refer to chapter ‘Binding of Programs’ in the SURE manual for detailed information.



                        It is possible to compile a dasdl and reorganize a database via SURE?

As you know, database compilation could possible issue the reorganization, and also would impact other programs. So will SURE handle these procedures automatically if I just checked-in the DB-dasdl for compilation. Are the following functions done by SURE: Compile the DASDL, compile the BUILDREORG, compile the REORG program, execute the REORG program and compile the programs that are impacted by the DB.


This time I must disappoint you because SURE does not do anything concerning database reorganization.

The dasdl-compilation, buildreorg, reorg-compilation and execute-reorg are all manual actions for the following reasons:

-          Sometimes it is not possible to perform the reorganization in one step. In that case, an intermediate compilation/reorganization has to be done.

-          Many sites have specific names for the database software (the dasdl-compiler, etc) with a DMS-version number in the name.

-          The application database can be placed anywhere on the system, perhaps even on another host.

-          The exact moment that the reorganization program must be started is often very critical.

-          Etcetera.

Almost each site has its own procedures when database reorganization is involved.


Compiling the programs that were impacted by the database reorganization is done by SURE as follows:

1.       Put the new description file at the right place where it is visible for the SURE evening batch.

2.       Put files that use the changed database and/or changed dataset manually into the compile-queue with function 'Multi-compile'. The multi-compile dialogue has a button 'Query' on it. This button must be used to select a group of files via a query (for example the query DATASET(DS1) OR DATASET(DS2) selects all files that use datasets DS1 or DS2). All files that are selected via the query are then added to the compile queue.

3.       Start the evening batch.



                        How can we control that all production objects are deployed by SURE?

After reading Chapter ‘’Sumlog Information’ in user guide, I have a feeling that the main function of RESPECT/SURE/LOG is to offer the help to monitor the violation.


What I am thinking is that when we begin to implement SURE in a customer site, we will convert the existing procedures gradually. For instance, we would like to implement SURE with a small application system, so we load its entire source into INFDB. And then, we teach the team member from now on to follow the methodology of SURE and use the tools of SURE, from the beginning of a task to the end. But if a certain member wants to take his chance to sneak a program into production environment, can we detect this behavior afterwards or can we prevent this happen proactively?


The current situation is that program RESPECT/SURE/LOG reports which objects in the production environment are not placed there via SURE. In this case, the invalid object is already in production. We have a library-function that checks the version of an object at the moment that the object is started. This library function has to be called by a program, and unfortunately, we don't have such a calling program right now. This program can take the appropriate actions if an invalid object is started.

I don't think that it is very difficult to write such a program. The functionality must be:

-          Wait until a new object is started (perhaps there is an MCP function for this).

-          Check the timestamp of that object in SURE.

-          Take appropriate action in the case of an invalid object.


You are right: an important function of RESPECT/SURE/LOG is reporting invalid objects.

Another important function is sampling the run-time statistics of the objects that ran. If an object always runs for 2 minutes, and today it runs for more then an hour, then there might be something wrong. The sequence-number of the sumlog is kept together with the statistics of each object session. This is handy for the developer, because he does not have to search anymore for the correct sumlog in the case that he wants to have details form the sumlog about a program session.

The run-statistics can also be used for planning purposes: if an object runs each month 5 minutes longer, then you can calculate when you must do something about that.

We also have a batch-program that reports how often objects have ran during the last 15 months (using the run-statistics that are loaded in SURE).



                        The SURE evening batch goes in wait status for a tape OVZDISK, why?

I loaded all files of a local system into SURE.  The production versions of the OBJECT files should be *OBJECT/= ON DISK.  The evening batch of the DEVELOPMENT environment compiled the files and waited for a tape called OVZDISK.


Where did it get the name OVZDISK?

Why is it trying to copy to a tape?


Program RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE compiles the sources that are loaded and places them into the transfer-queue.

Program RESPECT/SURE/TRANSFER uses this transfer-queue: All objects mentioned in the queue are transferred to the correct object-location (= <object-usercode> on <object-pack> at <object-host>)


RESPECT/SURE/TRANSFER generates a job called SURE/TRANSFER/<object-pack>. All objects that must be transferred to that object-pack are handled by that job. A transfer job will be generated for each object-pack (if objects have to be transferred to that pack).


The actual transfer of the objects to the object-location goes via library-maintenance (a COPY statement in the job).


The original (and still default) method to transfer the objects to the object-location is via a transfer-tape. The objects are then copied from the SURE-pack to a transfer-tape, and the operator has to copy the objects from the transfer-tape to the object-pack (via COPY = FROM <transfer-tape> TO <object-pack>). The name of the transfer-tape is OVZ<object-pack>. OVZ is an abbreviation of the Dutch word ‘overzet’ that means ‘transfer’.


It is possible to indicate per object-pack (and per environment) that the library maintenance copy has to go directly from the SURE-pack to the object-pack and not via an OVZ-tape.

This option must be set as follows:

-          Right click on the name of the applicable SURE environment, and choose 'Properties' from the sub-menu.

-          Click on tab 'SURE transfer'

-          Enter the name of the object-pack in the column 'Disk family name'. If you leave the corresponding field 'BNA hostname' (on the same line as the disk-family-name) empty, then SURE assumes that the <object-pack> is one of the packs of the current host, otherwise a BNA-copy is started for each family/host combination.



Disk Family Name

BNA Hostname




All files that have object-pack = PACK1 and object-host = empty are copied directly from the SURE batch pack to PACK1(PACK).

In this case it is assumed that PACK1 belongs to MyHost.

This line does not select N.B. Files with an object-host.



All files that have object-pack = PACK1 and (object-host = HOSTA or object-host = empty) are copied directly (via BNA) to PACK1(PACK,HOSTNAME=HOSTA).





All files that have object-pack = PACK1 and object-host = empty are copied directly (via BNA) to PACK1(PACK,HOSTNAME=HOSTA) and to PACK1(PACK,HOSTNAME=HOSTB).

Files that have object-pack = PACK1 and object-host = HOSTA are only copied to PACK1(PACK,HOSTNAME=HOSTA).

Files that have object-pack = PACK1 and object-host = HOSTB are only copied to PACK1(PACK,HOSTNAME=HOSTB)



All files that have object-host = HOSTB are copied directly (via BNA) to <object-pack>(PACK,HOSTNAME=HOSTB).


Why is the disk-to-tape-to-disk method still the default?

If somebody enters by accident a wrong object-pack-name then that object won't be copied automatically to the wrong place, but the transfer starts waiting for an OVZ-tape. In that case you still have the possibility to fix the problem and to make sure that the object is copied to the correct location.


Chapter 22.12 of the manual gives extra details about the object-transfer process.



                        How can we set the priority of the batch-compilations?

SURE starts all the compiles at priority 49.  Our standard is 40.  How can I configure SURE to start the compiles at priority = 40.


You can define a system queue that must be used for the SURE batch job. The programs in the batch job will inherit the priority from the system queue. The actual compilation will have a priority 1 less then the priority of RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE.

You can define a system queue for the batch job as follows:

Right-click on the environment-name / Choose properties / go to tab: SureBatch / field JobQueue (at the bottom of the screen)


Modifying an object is a possibility, but then you have to modify the object each time when you receive a new version and that is unhandy.



                        Which version of a copy-file is used at compilations in the evening batch?

SURE offers two ways of compiling in order to get the object code for test: one is Compile/Local; the other is Compile/Schedule SURE Compile.


If we check out a copy-file, and then modify the content and choose “Schedule SURE Compile” of the main symbol file, the compiling will be handled by SURE evening batch, which will retrieve the original copy-file in the repository in the process of compilation. The outcome will not be as what the programmer expects.


Please classify whether it is designed as intended or not.


It is intended.


The following example describes the exact procedure:

Version 3.1 of a copy-file is stored in Sure and the developer does a checkout of this version. Now there are two possibilities:


A.      The checkout was done with option 'Local' to download the source to the PC. Version 3.1 is file-transferred to the PC and a copy of version 3.1 remains on the mainframe in Cande under the programmers work-usercode. The programmer modifies the work-version of the copy-file on the PC with a local PC editor (like notepad), and he can use function UPLOAD to copy his patches from his work-file on the PC to the copy version in Cande.

                  Therefore, after using function upload, the Cande-version and the local-PC-version of the copy-file are equal.

            After using function check-in, the modified copy-file is stored into Sure as version 4.1. The copy-file is copied to the work-directory.


B.      The checkout was done without option 'Local'. The developer is going to modify the copy-file on the mainframe via Cande, NX/Edit or System/Editor (U ED). The programmer modifies the work-version of the copy-file and he can use function SAVE to save his work-file and to replace his Cande source with his modifications. (Notice that in this case NX/Edit is not categorized as a local editor, but as a mainframe-editor with a Windows look-and-feel.).


Summarized: The modifications are put in the Cande source after an UPLOAD when you use a local editor or after a SAVE when you don't use a local editor.


Program RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE handles the scheduled compilations. It retrieves the original copy-files from SURE, but if RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE runs for the develop environment, then it first checks if the copy-file is checked-out by a programmer. It uses the checked-out copy-files from the programmer's Cande work-locations, and the copy-files that are not checked-out are retrieved from SURE. So all the programmer must do is SAVE or UPLOAD his work-file to ensure that the Cande-source contains his last modifications.


Notice also option "Allow use copy-files from directory * “. If this option is set, then RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE first checks if the copy-file is checked-out by a programmer. If it is not checked-out then it checks if the copy-file is resident in the global directory *. If it is not resident under * then it retrieves the copy-file from SURE. This option can be set per environment via <environment-properties>/Tab:"SURE batch". Usually this option is set for the develop environment and reset for the other environments.



                        What is the purpose of COMPILE-STATUS  ABORT-START-JOB?

The ABORT-START-JOB is an extra relation and it means that the start-job did not come to a correct end. The COMPILE-STATUS(SYNTAX) or COMPILE-STATUS(ABORT) is then added for a more detailed indication.


The reason of ABORT-START-JOB is to notify the user that the problem has something to do with the start-job. Notice that it is possible that you have a source that is normally compiled and at the end of the compilation something extra's is done in a start-job. Suppose that the start-job fails with a COMPILE-STATUS ABORT or a COMPILE-STATUS SYNTAX. In that case, it is handy to know that the cause of the problem is in the start-job, and therefore we add an extra COMPILE-STATUS(ABORT-START-JOB). This relation is always removed when a new compilation is started, so it this relation is present then a problem occurred at the last compilation.




                        Is it possible to load files from another usercode into SURE?

We used the example in the tutorial to load and compile files from usercode SURE_DEV into SURE. But now we want to load files from another usercode. Is that possible?


Loading a directory of files in SURE is usually only done during the installation period of SURE.

In that case the customer has already many application programs, and those programs have to be loaded in SURE via a batch method. When all those files are loaded in SURE then the batch-load-process won't be used anymore (usually) because new files are then entered in SURE one by one via the 'Add New File' procedure at the moment that a developer has to create a new file.


We think that the function 'load files in SURE' is more or less a conversion function: the customer converts from his old style of software-configuration-management to the SURE-style.


The way we use this function is as follows:

-          Copy a directory of files (that must be loaded in SURE) to your source-usercode (mentioned in the SURE browser).

-          Load those files in SURE.


The source-usercode that is given in the SURE browser (in your case (SURE_DEV) ON PK1) depends on the default Cande-work-environment that is linked to a SURE-environment. This default Cande-work-environment can be defined via the Environment-properties-dialogue on the first tab-sheet.


If the default work-environment is a usercode on pack (e.g.  (AAA) ON PK1) then that usercode/pack will always be mentioned as source-usercode in the SURE-browser (no matter with which usercode you logged on to SURE).


If the default work-environment is the global directory on a pack (e.g.  * ON PK1), then your log-on usercode will be mentioned as source-usercode in the SURE-browser. In that case: if each developer has his own personal usercode to log-on then that usercode will also be his Cande work environment.



                        How can we copy all files of a system out of SURE to my usercode?



There are several thousands of files so this would have to be a batch operation. We would not be able to do them individually.


There is a batch program RESPECT/SURE/DUMP that can be used for this purpose.

The program requires two parameters that are used to select the group of files that must be dumped from the repository to disk.







You must select the SURE environment via the TASKSTRING attribute:

WFL RUN OBJECT/RESPECT/SURE/DUMP("<class>","<asset>");TASKSTRING="<environment>"


In your case the full statement will be:




Please notice that the dumped files will not be prefixed (with SYS1 of something like that). The dumped files are placed on disk under the usercode where you ran the dump-program. I advise you the clean up that usercode as much as possible before you start the dumping action.



                        Is it possible to use NX/Edit in ‘local mode’ on the PC?

Is it possible to use NX/Edit in local mode on the PC? So the file(s) could be edited on the PC just like the other editors? Most of the time we will use NX/Edit in client/server mode, but sometimes it can be handy to edit a source in local mode.


In the current release of SURE it is only possible to use NX/Edit in client/server mode for the following reasons:

1.       Sources on the Unisys platform contain a sequence number. This is no problem if you are editing your files on the mainframe via Cande or via the Unisys SYSTEM/EDITOR (U ED), because those editors are well designed for those sequence numbers. The sequence number becomes a problem if you are editing a file local on your PC via a PC editor. Especially in the case that the sequence number place is at the end of the physical record (such as algol: position 73 - 80). Editing on the PC is then unhandy, because the sequence number at the end of a line will be shifted when you are inserting or deleting characters on that line.


We solved that problem as follows: When a file is checked-out and copied to the PC, then the sequence numbers are converted to the beginning of each record. When a file is checked-in and file-transferred from the PC to the mainframe, then the sequence numbers are placed back from the beginning of the record to the original place. This means: The position of the sequence number in the source on the PC can differ from the position of the sequence number in the source on the mainframe (in algol, job, seqdata, etc files; not in cobol files because the sequence number in cobol is at the beginning of the record).


Now a new problem occurs with the NX/Edit editor, because that editor expects the sequence numbers at the original place and not always at the beginning of the records (just like Cande and the SYSTEM/EDITOR). Our solution for that problem was: leave the source on the mainframe when the local editor is NX/Edit (and skip the sequence number conversion). The source will then be file-transferred to the PC by NX/Edit itself in the correct way that NX/Edit expects. This requires that NX/Edit starts in client/server mode.


2.       More or less the same story applies for the mark-id in the source. The mark-id is placed at the end of each record and that is very unhandy during the editing phase. Therefore we discard the mark-id when we file-transfer the source form the mainframe to the PC.


3.       When the source is checked-out then the original version of that source is copied to the PC in the user's source-directory (=source-file) and to the user's work-directory (=work-file). That same original version is also placed under Cande on the mainframe. The changes to the source are made in de version in the work-directory (= the work-file). When the file is checked-in then the work-file is compared with the source-file, and the differences are file-transferred to the mainframe and merged into the original version that is available under Cande. This is done for performance reasons: most of the time it is much faster to transfer only the differences instead of the total changed source. Notice that it is also possible to send the complete source when the file is checked-in, but that is not the default mode.

The algorithm to create the difference-file expects that the sequence numbers are at the beginning of the record, and this algorithm does not expect a mark-id in the source. But that is in conflict with the NX/Edit mode of working (see earlier).


The following problems also occur (but have nothing to do with local mode or client/server-mode; they are just NX/Edit problems):

  1. It is possible to start a test-compilation from the PC. In that case we start a job on the mainframe: WFL/<environment>/PC-SESSION. This job does compilation, binding (if necessary), it sets the correct task-attributes for the compiled object (MP +PU, MP + TASKING, etc) and it copies the compiled object to the correct object location. I don't see how this can be done when NX/Edit is used (compiling from NX/Edit is possible, but the rest...).
  2. There is no 'AutoSave' option in NX/Edit. Other editors have sometimes an option to save the file locally when the focus is changed to another window. This is handy when the source has to be checked-in or when a test-compilation is started from the SURE explorer: you are busy editing the file in the editor-window, then you go to the SURE-window to start a test-compilation or to do a check-in, and because you changed the window-focus (from editor to SURE) the work-file is automatically saved on the PC. This ensured that the last changes in the work-file are used. NX/Edit does not have this AutoSave, and therefore the programmer has to save his source explicitly before he does certain function in SURE.
  3. It is not possible to start a test-compilation of a source from SURE, when that source is changed via NX/Edit in client/server mode, because in that case not all records of the source are always available on the PC.



                        Where can I find a task after I transferred it?

I transferred a task from environment DEVELOP to ACCEPTANCE, but I can't find the transferred task in environment ACCEPTANCE. How can I select a task after transferring it successfully? Or do I need to specify the task name by opening the Select Task folder?


The task must be available in folder 'Life Cycle'\'Task Busy' on the ACCEPTANCE environment. Obviously you can also select it via the 'Select\Task' method, but then you must remember the task-name.


All this depends on the option 'Task gets status solved'. This option can be set per environment via folder <environment name>\Properties\<First tab>.

-          If this option is set for an environment and a task is transferred to that environment then the task gets status SOLVED, and then the task won't appear in the life-cycle\task-busy list. A task with status SOLVED cannot be transferred anymore to a further environment.

-          If the option is not set for an environment, and the task is transferred to that environment, then the task gets status <environment-name> (in your case status ACCEPTANCE), and the task will appear in the life-cycle/task-busy list of that environment.


Another aspect is the project of the task. A task is only visible for a user if that user has the task-project in his project-list or if the user has not any project in his project-list.

Example: If user SIMON is linked to one or more projects, but not to project PRJ1 then he won't see tasks of project PRJ1 (he will only see tasks of his own projects). The project list is used as a filter.


You can see the project-list of a user if you click on the + symbol that is placed in front of the user-name and then on 'project', or if you open the user properties.



                        I transferred a task and now I don’t see it anymore. Where can I find it?

The flow is as follows:

  1. When a new task is added in SURE, a task-environment is linked to it. The file-modifications for that task must happen in the task-environment.

2.       If a task has status ENTERED (immediately after it is added in SURE), it appears is folder 'Tasks to assign' of the task-environment.

3.       If a task is assigned (by making it current, or assigning it to any person) the status is changed to the <task-environment>. It disappears from folder 'Tasks to assign' and it appears in folder 'Tasks busy' of the environment that is indicated by the task-status.

4.       If a task is made ready it gets sub-status READY (the status does not change). It disappears from folder 'Tasks busy' and it appears in folder 'Tasks ready' of the environment that is indicated by the task-status.

5.       If a task is transferred to the next environment, then the task-status is changed to that next-environment, and sub-status READY is removed. The tasks appears now in folder 'Tasks busy' of the environment that is indicated by the task-status ( = the transfer destination environment).

6.       If a task is transferred to the last environment, then the task-status is changed to SOLVED. The task does not appear anymore in any folders, but you can still select it via the 'select task' folder, or via a macro.

      N.B.: Step 4 is optional. You can also transfer a 'busy task' if all files are checked-in.



Suppose that you have a repository with three environments: DEVELOP, PRE-PROD and PRODUCTION.


ad 2: A new task is added for environment DEVELOP. The task-status = ENTERED, the task-environment = DEVELOP. The task is in folder 'Tasks to assign' of environment DEVELOP because that folder contains all tasks with task-status = ENTERED and task-environment = DEVELOP.


ad 3: The task is assigned to user STEVE (because he made the task current). The task-status = DEVELOP, the task-environment = DEVELOP. The task is in folder 'Tasks Busy' of environment DEVELOP, because that folder contains all tasks with task-status = DEVELOP and NOT sub-status = READY.


ad 4: The task is made ready. The task-status = DEVELOP, the task-environment = DEVELOP, the sub-status = READY. The task is in folder 'Tasks Ready' of environment DEVELOP, because that folder contains all tasks with task-status = DEVELOP and sub-status = READY.


ad 5: The task is transferred to PRE-PROD. The task status = PRE-PROD, the task-environment = DEVELOP, no sub-status. The task is in folder 'Tasks Busy' of environment PRE-PROD, because that folder contains all tasks with task-status = PRE-PROD and NOT sub-status READY.


ad 4. The task is made ready. The task-status = PRE-PROD, the task-environment = DEVELOP, the sub-status = READY. The task is in folder 'Tasks Ready' of environment PRE-PROD, because that folder contains all tasks with task-status = PRE-PROD and sub-status = READY.


ad 6: The task is transferred to PRODUCTION. The task status = SOLVED, the task-environment = DEVELOP. The task does not appear in any folder.


ad 1: Notice that the task-environment is not changed. It remains all the time DEVELOP. This is important because it is only possible to work on a task if the task-status is equal to the task-environment and when you are logged-on to that environment (in this example DEVELOP). If the task is not yet assigned, or if the task is transferred, then it can't be used anymore for file-modifications.


It is possible to re-activate a task. This sets a task back to a previous environment.

For example: A reactivation after step 5 sets the task-status back to DEVELOP, and the task appears again in the 'Task Busy' list of DEVELOP and disappears from the 'Task Busy' list in PRE-PROD.



                        How can I find the programs that use an include file.

Sometimes it is necessary to change an include file and some of the programs using that include file. What is the best way to find these programs?


There are several methods:

-          Make the include file current in the SURE browser and click on the + symbol to open that folder. Open then the folder 'used by' and you will see the programs that use this include-file. The attributes that are listed under the 'used by' folder are variable and can be defined by the customer via 'Configuration/References'.

-          Execute a query with the following (advanced) query expression: COPY-FILE(<name of include file>). This will place all the programs that use this include file in the query-folder.


The PowerPoint presentation about queries and macros contains a list with all technical names of the SURE-file-attributes and SURE-task-attributes and a short description of the purpose of each attribute. The usage of these attributes in the queries/macro's is also explained.


Please notice that SURE automatically recompiles the programs that use a copy-file when that copy-file is checked in. This is done by program RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE during the SURE evening batch.


Notice also that the query function can be used to select files that have to be scanned by the SURE-find function. The scanned files that contain the find-target are marked and can be selected easily via a query expression: FOUND(<my-userid>).



                        I loaded some sources but I don’t see the include files of these sources.

Then I do a checkout of one of these files, modify something and do check-in, and now the include-files are suddenly there. How is that possible?


When a file is loaded in SURE, it is placed in the examine queue. When a file is checked-in, it is placed in the examine-queue, but it is also quickly scanned for copy-file statements. SURE examines a file automatically after it is checked-in, because perhaps a new copy-statement is written in the source.


I think that I understand what happened:

  1. You loaded some files in SURE.
  2. After a load the files are not automatically examined, so there are no relations between sources and copy-files.

3.       You did a checkout and a check-in and that triggered an automatic examine.

  1. Now the copy-file relations are there.


A source is placed in the examine-queue when it is changed in an environment:

-          After a check-in: placed in examine-queue + quick scan for copy statements.

-          After a load: placed in the examine-queue.

-          After a transfer: placed in the examine-queue + quick scan for copy statements.


Program RESPECT/SURE/EXAMINE reads the examine-queue and examines all those files. Each examined file is removed from the examine-queue, so at the end of the run the examine-queue is empty. The program runs in the standard SURE batch, but you can run the program manually under Cande as follows:



You can start the examine process for a specific program via

       <File Properties>/Configuration/Examine.


Notice that it is important that changed files are examined. If you are not starting the SURE batch frequently, then you should run the examine program manually every now and then.



                        How can I roll back a source to a specific version in SURE?

Make the file current in the SURE browser and click on the + symbol to open that file-folder. Open then folder 'Delta Files'. Right click on the delta-file to where you want to roll back and choose 'Copy' from the menu. This copies a rolled-back version of that file to disk under your usercode. Notice that the file is not rolled-back in SURE. To do so you must check-out the source in the regular way and overwrite the checked-out version with the rolled-back version.



                        Which printer backup files appear in folder ‘Printer Output’

Are the BD-files shown under "Printer Output" only those that are created by SURE? If not, how to transfer other BD files to that folder?


The list of BD files that appear in folder 'Printer Output' depends on the contents of the Printing System. First the print-requests of the user are listed via command 'PS SHOW U <usercode>' and then the backup-files of a print-request are listed via command 'PS BDIR REQUEST <print request number>'. If a backup-file is not known in the Printing System then it won't appear in folder 'Printer Output'.

A print-request appears in the Unisys Printing System at print disposition time. Usually that is at the moment that a session is closed (SPLIT in Cande or EOJ in a job). You can copy a print-request via the backup processor.


The usercode that is used in the 'PS SHOW U <usercode>' command is equal to the log-on usercode. But if you click on the + sign before a usercode-name (for example via folder 'Organization/User/<usercode>' or via a team list) then there will also be a sub-folder 'Printer-Output' for that user, and if you open that printer-output then the BD-files of that user are given.



                        What happens with the sources in acceptance when I reactivate the task?

If you transfer a task to acceptance, then you also transfer all the sources that are linked to that task. After the transfer the task is not available in develop anymore.

It is possible to reactivate the task so that the task becomes again available in develop. But if you reactivate the task, the changed files are not automatically rolled-back in acceptance. So the changed files remain in acceptance when the task is reset to develop.


We have the following remarks about this:

  1. A task should only be transferred when it is well tested. This means that it is unlikely that you will find errors in acceptance.
  2. Acceptance is still a test-environment. It is not a disaster if you find errors in this environment. On the other hand: it should not happen.
  3. The changed files that are already in acceptance cannot be transferred to production without notification.
  4. The error that was found in acceptance must be fixed with priority, so that the task can quickly be transferred again to acceptance.
  1. Extra test-environments reduce that chance that errors are encountered in production.
  2. Instead of reactivating the task to develop, it is also possible to solve the problem via a quick fix in acceptance.


I give an example with file PROG/A.


Situation 1: PROG/A has the following versions:


Version 3.1 and linked to task T1


Version 2.1


Version 2.1



Situation 2: After task T1 is transferred to acceptance:


Version 3.1


Version 3.1 and linked to task T1


Version 2.1

Version 3.1 of PROG/A is now being tested in the acceptance environment.


Situation 3: An error was found during the test in acceptance and task T1 is re-activated:


Version 3.1 and linked to task T1


Version 3.1 and linked to task T1


Version 2.1

The reactivate was done with option 'request connected files for the user that modified the files'. This option is on the reactivate-dialogue and re-links PROG/A automatically to task T1 in develop.

The error-version 3.1 is still in acceptance, but nothing else happens with that file in that environment. Notice that version 3.1 will probably still be a 'better' version than the old version 2.1, especially when other files were also adapted because of this task. Also notice that acceptance is still a test-environment. It is not a disaster if you find errors in this environment. 

Task T1 is now active in develop so it is not possible to transfer the task to production. Version 3.1 of file PROG/A is still active in acceptance, but it is not possible to transfer this file-version to production, because the task T1 is active in develop. 


Situation 4: The error is fixed in develop (PROG/A is checked-out, fixed, and checked-in):


Version 4.1 and linked to task T1


Version 3.1 and linked to task T1


Version 2.1

The error-version 3.1 is still in acceptance, but nothing else happens with that file in that environment. It is not possible to transfer this file-version to production, because the task T1 is active in develop and task T1 first has to be transferred from develop to acceptance. 



Situation 5: Task T1 is transferred to acceptance for the second time:


Version 4.1


Version 4.1 and linked to task T1


Version 2.1

Version 3.1 in acceptance is now overwritten with the repaired version 4.1


Situation 6: Task T1 is transferred to production:


Version 4.1


Version 4.1


Version 4.1 and task T1 is moved to the history of PROG/A



                        Should we load the develop- or the production-sources in SURE?

Our sources in develop contain ‘develop-names’ and our production-sources contain ‘production-names’. We use translate filters to change a develop-source to production and vice-versa. Which version of a source should be loaded in SURE: the one with the develop-names or the one with the production-names?


Many sites have all kinds of distinctions between ‘develop’ ‘test’ and ‘production’ in a source. For example:

Dollar options:  $ SET OMIT = NOT TEST and $ SET OMIT = NOT PRODUCTION




We have the following requirements:

1.       The ‘develop’ version of a source must be stored in the repository.

2.       The sources stored in SURE should not contain any usercode or pack name.


Ad 1. When a source is stabile (the production version of the source is equal to the develop-version) then there is only one physical version of that file available in SURE. Each SURE-environment has a reference to that same physical file.

It is very unhandy for a programmer if the source that is stored in SURE does not contain ‘develop’ references: When he checks the source out of SURE, then he wants to start working on it immediately and he does not want to change all kinds of production-names to develop-names.

When the source is checked-in, then he does not want to establish the ‘production’ references again (if he is not going to forget that at all).

If the SURE source always contains ‘develop’ references, then the programmer can start working on it immediately, and he cannot make mistakes between ‘develop’ and ‘production’ references. (Please remember that the developer himself does the check-in and check-out of the source, not a project-leader or change-control person who could filter the source from ‘production’ to ‘develop’ and back).


There are three reasons why a source must be compiled:

a.       The file is in maintenance by a programmer and the programmer starts a test compilation (similar to the Cande COMPILE command).

b.       A new version of a source arrives in a SURE-environment (for example: after a check-in in the develop environment or after a transfer to another environment) and that new version of the source must be compiled via the SURE evening batch.

c.       A file that is referenced by the program is changed (a database description file or a copy-file) and therefore the program has to be recompiled.

Compilations of type b and c are always done in the SURE evening batch by program RESPECT/SURE/COMPILE. This program performs the following actions:

-          Copy the files that are in the SURE-compile-queue from the repository to disk.

-          Copy all the copy-files that are used by these programs also from the repository to disk.

-          Compile the programs.

-          Remove the sources that were copied from the repository to disk at the end of the compilations.

As stated earlier in this section: it is important that the ‘develop’ version of a source is stored in SURE. Therefore it is possible to define compilation-translate-tables. Each non-develop environment can have its own set of compilation-translate-tables (one per application system). If a compilation-translate-table is available, then the source will be filtered according to that table just before the compilation starts. For performance reasons we recommend to keep these tables small.


Ad 2. An important feature of SURE is the integrity mechanism. This mechanism enforces that all objects of an environment are compiled with the same set of copy-files. The integrity-mechanism is optional. For the development environment this option is usually reset, because the objects are never integer in development. For the other environments (test, acceptance, integration, production, etc.) this option is usually set. If a copy-file is changed in a non-development environment then all programs using that copy-file are automatically recompiled by SURE. If one of the compilations fails, then non-of the objects are released to the object-location. The result is that all objects in the object-location are compiled with the same set of copy-files.


The integrity mechanism can only work correctly if all copy-files that are necessary for the compilations are retrieved from SURE. That is why these copy-files are copied from the repository to disk just before the compilation starts.

Suppose that the copy-statement in the source contains a usercode. The correct version of that copy-file is copied from the repository to disk where it is available for the compiler, but the compiler will not use that correct version, but some unknown version from the usercode that was used in the copy-statement. Notice that that will probably be a develop version of the copy-file because the source only contains ‘develop’ references. This is why the source should not contain any usercodes or pack-names.



                        Is the action ‘multi-compile’ somewhere logged in SURE?

I changed something in a DASDL-source and that required a recompilation of all related sources: Here are my procedures:

1.       Go to Compile Interface.

2.       Choose Multi Compile.

3.       Using Query function to choose all related sources by


4.       Start Compile Job CP/NX.


My main question is: I don’t see any record in the log of my current task regarding the compiling action. Where is the log to prove that I have initiated the compiling job?


The compile command and the multi-compile command are not placed in the log of the task. The task-log contains only actions that affect the status of the task, and the assignment action:

-          New task: the task is added in the repository and the task-status becomes ENTERED.

-          Assign (or current): the task is assigned to somebody and the task-status becomes <environment>.

-          Close or deny: the task is closed and the task-status becomes SOLVED.

-          Activate: the task is activated again and the task-status becomes <environment>.

-          Transfer: the task is transferred and the task-status becomes <destination-environment>.


The (multi) compile command affects the file that was placed into the compile queue, and therefore that action is placed into the log of that file.


Please notice that not all command are logged. A global overview of the commands that are logged:

-          The task-command that change the task-status: New, Assign, Current, Close, Deny, Activate, Transfer, Reprocess-quick-fix

-          The task-commands that change the task-assignment: Assign, Current, Update (to handle by)

-          The file-commands that change the assignment of the file (request, assign, check-out, undo check-out, delink, move)

-          The file commands that change the contents of the file in an environment (check-in, re-sequence, purge, remove, recover, transfer, load).

-          The file commands that change the contents of the compiled object (compile + compilation-result)

-          The rename of the file (rename).



                        How can I undo the function ‘make this my current task’?

I accidentally hit the 'Current' menu item when looking at a task. How do I undo 'Current'?


Right click on the task that you made current and choose ‘Not current task’. That removes the current-state from that task. The result is that no task is current.



                        A compilation started by a developer goes waiting for a copy-file. Why?

Sometimes, when we tried to do a Local Compile of a CP/NX Cobol source, the job get a wait situation, by a "no file" condition. The requested file is a copy file, related into the Cobol source.


We believe that the Local Compile process must copy the "copy files" to work directory at CP/NX before the actual compilation, to avoid the "no file" condition. Do you agree?


It works as follows:


There is a system-option: 'put copy-files in the work-directory after save or load'. That option should be enabled for all your systems in the development environment, so that the work-environment contains a complete set of copy-files. You can run program RIS/COMPLETE/WORKENVIRONMENT("") to make the work-directory complete.


If a source is checked-out, then SURE checks all the copy-files that are linked to that source. For each of those linked copy-files the following checks are done (AAA):

-          Is the copy-file resident on disk and visible for the developer: if not, then make it resident on disk in the work-directory of the developer.

-          Is the correct version of the copy-file resident on disk: if not, give a warning to the developer.


If a copy-file is checked-out, modified and checked-in, then the new version of that copy-file is placed in the work-directory, where it is visible for the developers (if option put-in-work-environment’ is enabled)


Therefore, this problem should not occur, because all copy-files of a source are checked when the source is checked-out, so that the developer can compile is source without problems.


I assume that the copy-file of the wait-situation is new, because otherwise it would already be on disk for a long time because of references by other programs. 


Now I discuss some possible problems:

-          SURE scans all sources for references to copy-files. The copy-files of a source are linked to the source via a COPY-FILE relation (see folder <source>àreferences with reason COPY-FILE). If for some reason a copy-file is not linked to a source, then this wait situation may occur, because then the above-mentioned check (AAA) will not be done for that copy-file.

-          The copy-files are checked when a source is checked-out and NOT at the moment of the compile. Therefore, if you create a new copy-file and start using that new copy-file in your source, and then do the local compile, then you get the wait situation. Notice that SURE gives a screen where you can define that you want to upload the copy-files that are in use. Only the files that are known by SURE as a copy-file are mentioned on that screen.

Summarized: if your copy-file does not have file-type 'is-a-copy-file' and the copy-file is new, then the wait-condition may occur.


The solution:

-          Enable system-option 'put copy-files in the work-directory after save or load' for all systems in the development environment.

-          Run program RIS/COMPLETE/WORKENVIRONMENT("") to make the work-directory complete.

-          When you create a new copy-file give it a 'copy-file class' file-type (like COPY-FILE or INCLUDE or any file-type with option 'use as copy-file’)

-          When you do a local compile with a reference to a new copy-file then make sure that that new copy-file is uploaded with the compile.




                        My source and object are removed from disk after a transfer. Why?

I noticed that sources and objects are disappeared from the host when the task is transferred to another environment, is that right procedure?


About the source:

A source is not removed from disk at transfer-time but when it is checked-in.

If a file is checked-out then it is placed on disk in the programmers’ work-location, where he can work on it.

If a file is checked-in then the new version of that file is loaded in SURE and removed from disk. Usually it is not necessary to keep a version of the source on disk, because there it can only confuse people (they will ask themselves ‘what is this for a file: the correct version or an old version’).


A source is removed from disk after the check-in for multiple reasons:

-          Less confusion for developer (is it the last version or not)

-          Keep the work-pack clean (space)

-          Keep the work-location of the developer clean and organized


There is an option (Environment / global-options / second tab / field ‘save source directory’) that defines a directory that keeps a copy of all checked-in files. When the new version of a source is checked-in, it is changed to the save-source-directory instead of removed from disk.




About the object:

By default, the compiled object is not removed from disk when the source is checked-in.

There is an option (environment, global options, second tab) that says: 'the test-object will be removed after saving the source in SURE'. The purpose of this option is to keep the work-environment clean. However, setting this option depends on the way that SURE is configured:

-          If each developer has his own private workspace, then this option should be set. A test compilation started by the developer puts the test-object in his own private workspace where he can do his unit test. The test-object is in the private workspace of the developer, so it won’t jeopardize the tests of other developers. When the modifications to the source are done and the source is checked-in, then the test-object can be removed from the programmer’s private workspace. SURE recompiles the checked-in source as soon as possible and puts the new object in a global directory where it is visible for all developers.

-          If multiple developers work in a shared workspace, and all objects are also available in the same shared workspace, then this option should be reset.



                        What is the best way to load a printer-backup file in Word?

With SURE it is very easy to download a CP/NX backup file from the mainframe to the PC and to view that backup file with Microsoft Word.


The problem is then that the layout of the backup file is not perfectly presented by Word:

-          A proportional font is used instead of a non-proportional font

-          The font-size is too large

-          Wrong margin settings

-          Unexpected page-skips

-          Etcetera


It is very easy to download a CP/NX printer backup file from the mainframe to your PC:

-          Open folder ‘Unisys CP/NX’ and then folder ‘Printer Output’:

            All waiting print requests of your usercode are listed here (the list is similar to the output of Cande command ‘PS SHOW USER <usercode>’)

-          Click on the [+] in front of a print request name to see all the backup files of that print request.

-          Rightclick on the backup file name and choose command ‘Download’ from the sub-menu to download that backupfile from the mainframe to the PC. The file is placed on the PC in the ‘download directory’ that can be specified via ‘Menu bar: Options/<Sure options>/<local options>.


After the backup file is copied to the PC, it is loaded in Word because in most cases the user wants to see the contents of that backup file. We have chosen to load the backup-file in Word, because Word correctly handles the page-skips in the backup-file.


The problem that now arises is that the default font and font size of Word are not appropriate for the downloaded backup file: The backup file is created with a non-proportional font and (often) up to 132 characters on a line, and Word’s default font and font size are mostly not set like that. This problem is fixed with a button&macro: BackupFile.


Button ‘BackupFile’ (in Word) sets the font to ‘Courier New’ (not proportional), and changes the font-size to ensure that each line can have 132 characters and each page 132 lines. A print of the file gives now correct output: no lines are wrapped or truncated, no unexpected page skips. The layout of the report can be checked online via the ‘Print Preview’ option.


The button and macro are available via Word template  

Install button&macro ‘BackupFile’ in Word as follows:

-          Click here to save template file on your disk

-          Click (in Word) on Tools/Macro/Macros and choose Organizer

-          Click on button ‘Open File’ on the left-hand side of the Organizer and browse to the saved template.

-          Click on line ‘BackupFile’ in the text box on the left-hand side to make that line current, and click then on button COPY to copy the macro to your default template.

-          Click on tab-sheet ‘Toolbars’ and copy the Toolbar ‘BackupFile’ from to your default template.


The BackupFile button is now always available in Word. When you click on it the font and font-size of the current document are changed.



                        How can we keep the compile-listings on disk for later usage?

I notice that when you generate a compile deck for a CANDE compile you set USERBACKUPNAME=TRUE and specify the name of the source as the last node of the listing name. That is very nice.

But when you do a batch compile you set USERBACKUPNAME=TRUE and specify a name like COMP_3. Why not use the name of the source for this, too? That would be much better for electronic filing of the listings.

Is there a way to do that in Sure?

Please read the attached document for a possible solution. Click here